Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pitchfork used to raid house

Tuesday 17th March 2009 High Wycombe:

1. A property in Clearbrook Close was broken between 8.30am and 7.15pm on Monday. A neighbour's pitchfork was used to force open a window and open a door. A search took place after the curtains were drawn and lights turned on. Property stolen included a laptop, Nintendo DS and games, camera, camcorder, and jewellery.

2. A “large amount” of property was stolen from a detached garage in Little Lane, Saunderton between 4pm on Saturday and 11am on Monday. Entry was gained by cutting through the security bar. A ride on petrol mower, childs mini motor cycle and quad bike were stolen. A large vehicle is thought to have removed the property.

(Extracted from Thames Valley Police Crime Round-up)

GARDIEN TIP: Don't leave garden tools in the open for use by opportunist thieves. Make sure that your home alarm system is extended to the garage. Visit and look at Gardien Recommends.
Also use property marking on valuable items and display notices to that effect - see

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