Wednesday, May 6, 2009

M&S Money shed light on how to avoid being the next victim of garden theft

According to a survey conducted by M&S Money, the average garden shed contains a huge £888 worth of goods. One respondent admitted to storing £30,000 worth of property in their shed.
Despite these significant values, it would seem that 24 percent have failed to implement security measures such as locks on their shed doors. This could explain the motivation behind thieves targeting these particular outbuildings – to the extent that 30 percent of shed owners know someone who has had belongings stolen from their shed.
M&S Insurance Manager, Judith Roberts, commented: “Sheds often contain a wealth of property, including tools or machinery which can cost thousands of pounds. Our survey reveals that many people fail to take even simple steps to secure their shed. It’s not surprising, therefore, that insurers receive many claims for theft from sheds.
“Householders should check whether their home insurance policy provides cover for theft from the shed, and whether there is a limit on that cover. Even if you do have insurance, unless you secure your shed, any claim may be invalid.”
M&S Money has offered shed owners some security advice so as to discourage thieves. Firstly, apply at least one heavy duty lock to your shed door. Secondly, be sure to secure all shed windows and do not keep expensive equipment on display. Thirdly, do not leave tools lying around as these could be used to forcibly enter your shed. Finally, remember to security mark all property.

(Reproduced from Nemo Loans Blog May 5th 2009)

Gardien Tip: Use our advice on the protection of Sheds and Outbuildings at

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