Thursday, February 16, 2012

BEAMINSTER: Garden ornament thefts on the rise

The latest theft of stone ornaments happened last week as late night thieves continue to target the town and its rural outskirts.
Nearby Thorncombe has also been the target of thieves in recent weeks.
Two stone garden ornaments were stolen from addresses in Beaminster and Thorncombe overnight between the February 1st and 2nd.
A stone birdbath supported by cherubs was stolen from Beaminster and a large lady figure with a green bronze effect was stolen from Thorncombe.
PC Mike Brown, Bridport Town Community Beat Officer, said thefts of this kind appeared to be on the increase.
He said: “We are getting an increased amount of calls for thefts of these kind of ornaments.
“The thefts are generally happening overnight and in the more rural areas.
“I would urge people to report anything suspicious that they hear at night. These items are heavy and will generally be taken away on a vehicle.
“If you hear vehicles during the night near your property and it is unusual then please call the police.”
Residents are being urged to uniquely mark ornaments in a way that may assist police to trace stolen goods.
PC Brown said: “Instead of accepting that crime is part of society, let’s give the courts the facts and allow them to decide.
“It may be your evidence, which successfully secures a conviction.”
Anyone with information on the above offences or any other crimes should contact the police direct on 101, or speak to Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111– all calls will be treated in confidence.

(Reproduced from Lyme Media and Events - Lyme Regis 8th Feb)

Gardien Comment: See our advice re Outdoor Items at

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