Your garden, as well as your house, has possessions that burglars would love to steal.
It also has equipment that could help them break in, said Pc Andy Whitefield, Newham Crime Prevention Adviser.
Theft of garden equipment is a growing menace. Most burglars are lazy. They look for easy ways of getting into a house or garden. By taking precautions you can reduce the risk of being burgled and make your house and garden more secure.
* Put away all tools and equipment and ensure outside sheds and store cupboards are securely locked when not in use.
* Bring tools inside if you have no shed or outbuilding.
* Use plant protection such as thorny shrubs and consider installing automatic security lighting.
* If you have a burglar alarm, extend it to cover outbuildings and sheds.
* If you have valuable plants or ornaments photograph them. Marking ornaments with your postcode makes stolen property easier to trace and it can be identified as yours.
* Check your household insurance policy covers theft from a garden and outbuildings.
* Join your local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme by contacting your local safer neighbourhood team for details.
(Reproduced from Newham Recorder, Sept 15th)
Gardien Comment: As the article says, Garden Crime continues to increase. Full advice and security products can be found at
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