Sunday, April 21, 2013

Garden, garage and shed security check warning

The Elmbridge Community Safety Partnership is warning residents to check the security of their gardens, garages and sheds.

The partnership, which is made up of such organisations as the police, borough council and county council, aims to reduce crime and fear of crime.

It said that while the overall number of burglaries has fallen over the last year, there have been a number of incidents where items have been taken from poorly secured garages and sheds.

It added that as the weather starts to improve it is likely that thieves will also turn their attention to furniture and equipment which is left out in the garden.

Community safety partnership manager Peter Kipps said: “There are some very simple steps residents can take to deter criminals from targeting their homes.

“We have a leaflet available giving advice on shed and garage security as well as tips for improving the security of your garden and advice on defensive planting in order to stop the trespassers from gaining entry to the garden in the first place.

“The leaflet, entitled “Rich Pickings”, is available at the Civic Centre in Esher and at libraries within the borough.

“I would also recommend marking property so that it is identifiable should it be stolen and recovered at a later time.

“A code unique to each house is the house number followed by the postcode or residents may prefer to use a propriety product such as selectaDNA which contains numbered microdots which can simply be painted onto items, the number is then registered in your name with the company.

“The items being stolen are tools, garden equipment and pedal cycles, which find a ready second hand market and are easily disposed of.”
(Reproduced from Elmbridge Today, 16th April)
Gardien Comment: The products required to strengthen security, including SelectaDNA, can be found at )

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